Tuesday 12 December 2017

Materialism and what matters

I woke up at half 5 today, a little earlier than usual. I did think about going back to sleep but the last few weeks have been stressful and there was something nice in my mind to think about while I listened to meditation music. When I was a child we had a small round coffee table with 5 legs on the bottom. For much of the year it was a coffee table and, on it's side, my ships steering wheel. At Christmas, however, it acted as a maypole, an obstacle to dance around with my long brown hair flying behind me. Every year mom would get a record out, Gene Autrys Christmas album. Now, if it wasn't for this record I wouldn't know who this guy is, but think of him as Roy Orbisonish. She would put the record on and I would dance around that table without a care in the world and I loved it. Sometimes she's put it on fast play to make his voice go squeaky. Still to this day there are only a handful of toys and gifts I can remember, but last night, when I found the album on Spotify and heard Genes' voice start to sing Up on the Rooftop I was that little girl again dancing round and round that table. In years to come when material objects have been and gone that day will still be there.